

Category: , By Ekimc
看來現在開始到Spring Break結束,大概都沒辦法練到團吧??

大毛居然Spring Break又要出去玩一整個星期,看來又不可能練團了....

剛剛跟Jason和大毛講,下個quarter的Chinese Union Talent Show,


為什麼我要把自己搞得為了要練團而傷透腦筋?? 囧......

5 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous March 5, 2008 at 8:41 PM
    Dude, learn how to appreciate the privilege of being able to form a band. THEN you'll be glad that you're able to play
  2. Ekimc March 6, 2008 at 12:34 AM
    Yea, we "formed" a band, but not like we're constantly practicing. What's the difference between not having a band, and not practicing at all?
  3. Anonymous March 8, 2008 at 11:01 PM
    You don't "expect" people to do whatever you want. People have things to do other than having a band. And having a band = extracurricular activity. And you were able to perform for a few times, which was a privilege already. So don't go too hard with your friends unless you guys are really going into music industry togetherlater on, which I doubt. So just have fun, and appreciate. what you have.
  4. Ekimc March 9, 2008 at 9:22 PM
    You are exactly like peter.... I really think performing is not everything about having a band. Being able to squeeze a few hours to practice every week and have fun enjoying the music we "played" is something I'm looking for. You are right..... ppl got other things to do. But seeing my friends in Taiwan being able to practice so often, I'm just jealous.....
  5. Anonymous March 10, 2008 at 9:39 PM
    lol, I'm not Peter, but a good friend of his.

    Anyway, those bands who are able to play often together is probably because their vision/style/genre/schedule is similar instead of just 4 or 5 musicians. And I'm sure they all respect everyone equally in the band as well. That's why band members are hard to find, and that's all I have to say.

    Good luck looking for your next band.

Something to say?